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Sing, Walk, and Soothe

Some babies struggle to settle down or may cry a lot. When this happens, try holding them in a sling, baby carrier, or in your arms and go for a 5 min walk while singing to them.

Any song will do, but here are three to keep handy:

  1. Check if your baby needs to be fed or a diaper change.
  2. Hold them in a baby carrier or carry them in your arms.
  3. Go for a walk around your house, yard, or balcony, or up and down stairs while you sing.

Babies often respond to stress by crying. However, singing and walking can help soothe them. The vibrations of your voice, the change of scenery, and being close to you are all soothing for your child. Singing can also lower your baby's heart rate, decreases anxiety, and releases endorphins which can reduce pain.

Try this next:

If you feel yourself losing control of your breathing, emotions, or blood pressure, take a short stress break. If you've already tried everything and your baby is still crying, put them in a safe place (like a crib or playpen) and go into a quiet room to relax for a few minutes or shower quickly. Even when frustrated, remember to never shake your baby. If you need more support, use one of these resources.