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2-5 yrs 5 min

Dragon Breathing

Little kids can get angry, fast. To show them what to do and help them manage their big emotions, try doing this fun, and simple dragon breathing exercise together.

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  1. Have the child place one hand on their belly.
  2. Ask them to take a deep breath with you, breathing in all the air.
  3. Let out all of the air like a dragon breathing fire … then repeat!

When children feel big emotions like anger, frustration, fear, or sadness, they may not know what it means or how to let it out. Teaching your child to handle big feelings by taking some deep dragon breaths can help their mind and body calm down, and feel more attached and secure with you.

Try this next:

Use Dragon breathing yourself. Children learn best from modeling others, so when you feel stressed or overwhelmed, take a moment and say, "I am feeling very overwhelmed. I think I need to do some dragon breathing. Would you help me with that?" This can not only help you, but also coaches your child when to use this technique.