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Baby Massage

After your baby's bath, treat them to a soothing massage. Massage is not only a great way to relax and reduce stress, but it also builds connection between you and your child, and can even increase their amount of sleep. Lie them on their back and remember to use a baby-safe, edible lotion or oil, like coconut oil, for their spa time.

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  1. Make sure the room is warm, your baby is well-rested, and you're relaxed.
  2. Put the edible lotion or oil on your warm hands and spend some time rubbing each of their body parts.
  3. Do long, smooth motions starting with their head and moving down little by little to their feet. If the baby's tummy feels soft, massage it with circular, clockwise strokes.
  4. Repeat.

Note: Be sure to test the oil on a part of the baby's skin before you start. If your baby's skin reacts, you can always massage without the oil.

The physical touch and connection of massages release all sorts of good hormones for your baby. Their stress is reduced as their body releases the hormone oxytocin, and stress hormone levels decrease. Studies have also found that regular massage improves growth, mental health, and even how soundly your baby sleeps.

Try this next:

Talk with your baby during the massage. Repeat their name and the word, "relax," to help them calm down. You can also tell a story or sing their favorite nursery rhyme as you do the massage.