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Creating resilient kids

Let’s start building your kid’s bank of resilience with these 4 key topics. To promote the healthiest growth and development, each topic will take them through different positive experiences.

A rainbow.

Be calm

Calmness doesn’t always come easy. But your calmness creates a more peaceful environment that can help kids manage their emotions in stressful situations.

How it helps

Things like pausing before reacting can help you identify and manage strong emotions to handle situations more effectively. This not only creates a safe space for children, but it also demonstrates emotional regulation that they can mirror.

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Be steady

Sticking to consistent routines and habits helps make a child’s world a little more predictable. So when unexpected things happen, they can feel less uneasy.

How it helps

During times of stress and uncertainty, predictability and structure help kids self-regulate, like with these routines: showering or bathing, brushing their teeth, getting dressed, having consistent wake-up and bedtimes, and having regular mealtimes and snacktimes.

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Be there

Those moments you spend connecting with your child are not only great for bonding but also can improve their brain development.

How it helps

Children's brains develop the most during the first five years of their lives. Connecting with the world around them is vital for developing motor skills, language and communication skills, and stress relief. By being there to read, sing, and play together, you boost brain growth and help them develop the strength and flexibility they need to work through challenging situations.

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Be nurturing

Expressing love and affection builds a safe and secure connection with your child. How? By letting them know just how important they are to you.

How it helps

Actions that may seem small, like hugs, kisses, and words of encouragement and affirmation, can have a deep impact on your child. Nurturing your child shows them what a healthy relationship looks like, teaches them about boundaries, helps them learn to express their emotions, and builds up their mental health.

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A rainbow.

Learn simple ways you can help your child cope with challenges and reduce their risk of toxic stress.

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